Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Double Bacon Cheese Blogger

I have recently  been inspired by two good friends to start a blog. My two friends are the aptly nicknamed Michael (Archie) Archuletta and Brandon (Flick) Flickinger. Their blogs serve very specific purposes. Archies blog, titled Surfer Misplaced, details his experience 'Chasing the Dream' playing professional basketball in Munich Germany and can be found here; Flicks is about chasing a different kind of dream, a dream to find gainful employment in the field he received his degree in, Geology. His is titled The Long Way Around and can be found here: Both are very entertaining and are great reads that I highly recommend. If it weren't for the writing of these two talented friends of mine I would not have had the courage to put my work on the internet but alas I have taken the plunge and now there is no turning back.

The question then arises why blog? Why am I writing this? What exactly is the point? Flick states that his goal is to detail his enduring battle to find employment and Archie plans to chronicle his adventures in a foreign country. While these two blogs have very specific and interesting topics I blog for a different reason. I blog for the same reason a dog licks his balls, because I can. The point of this is that there really isn't much of a point. I hope with my writing I can entertain people, make people laugh, and share some of the wisdom that I have acquired in my journeys.

What you can expect when you take a glimpse into the frat house that is my mind are my thoughts on some of the things that interest me most in the world. This includes but is not limited to: Hip-Hop, Art & Design, Technology, Cinema, Television, Fashion, Music, Sports, Sneakers, Finance, the Environment, and Literature. If I read a particularly good book or see a good movie I might explain to anyone who is reading why they need to check it out. Conversely if I consume a particularly bad piece of media I might use this as an avenue to rip on it.

Recently I wrote on a post-it note that I placed on the wall above my desk the following; NEW GOAL: WRITE OR DRAWER ONE NEW THING EVERY DAY. This is a retro-active new years resolution that I am putting into affect immediately. I highly encourage anyone who has got a creativity itch to make this goal their butt scratcher (buuuut scraaatcherrrr).

As the great Barney Stinson once said..."I'm Awesome" and that is why you should be excited for whats to come.

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